Honoring our Greek School Educators
Honoring our Greek School Educators
On February 28th, 2021 the Church of the Holy Resurrection of Brookville - Long Island, NY honored their Greek teachers in the presence of the School Board, Parent Association presidents, students, parents and members of the community. For a number of years the Holy Resurrection Greek Afternoon school under the strong leadership of Mrs. Stephanie Clark (former School Board President) and Mrs. Takvorian (Principal) has been recognized as the largest in the Metropolitan area. This year all schools have experienced challenges during these unprecedented times. However, under the equally strong leadership of the new School Board president, Ms. Georgia Amigdalos, the school has implemented innovative educational programs and continues to be the largest school with 191 enrolled jovial students.
During the summer months, the teachers participated in a number of successful professional development seminars that were organized and facilitated by the School Board president (Ms. Amigdalos) and with the harmonious collaboration of the principal (Ms. Takvorian). The purpose of the seminars were to enrich and revise the curriculum and fully embrace technology to ensure our teachers are equipped with the instructional tools needed to tackle these challenging times.
The seminars on technology were facilitated by parent and educator, Steriani Vasilatos. In addition, in order to meet the demands of the pandemic an additional day was seamlessly added to accommodate families that preferred to learn virtually.
Father Panteleimoin Papadopoulos commenced the celebration by recognizing the accomplishments of Ms. Clark (former School Board president) and current Parish Council president by presenting her a cross thurible. Father said, “The act of Greek education is a sacrificial act, which you made and continue to make on behalf of the children.”
He continued with glowing words, his deep appreciation and warm wishes from the Parish Council and the School Board to the teachers who tirelessly work for the school and its mission - the teaching and preservation of the Greek language, culture, faith and traditions.
The names of our teachers are as follows:
Julie Pantazis (Pre - K)
Maria Pariaros (Beginners and Teen Conversation)
Filio Diakogiannis (First Grade)
Christina Siounis (Second Grade)
Maria Spanos (Second Grade)
Despina Zografos (Third Grade)
Irene Pilios (Third Grade)
Fotini Papadopoulos (Fourth Grade)
Athanasia Cyprus (Fourth Grade)
Nancy Biska (Fourth and Fifth Grade)
Irene Theotokas (Fifth Grade)
Antonia Skrivanos (Fifth and Sixth Grade)
Fotini Takvorian (Principal, Seventh Grade, -Regents Preparation)
He went on to express deep appreciation to the members of the School Board:
Georgia Amigdalos (President)
Steve Fegos
Angela Panageas
Bobby Tsirakidis
Despina Yarian
He extended kind words to the Parent Association presidents:
Athena Katsanos
Olga Koutsagelos
After the Divine Liturgy a luncheon immediately followed honoring the teachers which serve our school with love, dedication and the highest educational standards.
To enroll your child or to learn more about the program contact [email protected] or contact our office at 516-671-5200.
Here is the link to the video: please go to the minute marker 3:44:00