
Special Note: One of the special aspects of our community is that we strive to impact the lives of our youth by connecting them, on all levels, with Christ. Your Stewardship has afforded us the ability to do this sacred work without the imposition of further registration fees and costs related to our youth ministries. We are profoundly grateful to every one of our stewards who, through their giving, is helping us shape and transform our youth !


Our Youth Ministries strive to involve the youth of our parish in the various religious, social, cultural and athletic programs that are available; to actively promote the parish youth programs and to increase participation therein; to coordinate the calendar of activities among the various youth groups; to open the lines of communication among and between the leaders of the various youth groups; to seek parental input and assistance in the planning and operation of the various programs.

The Youth Ministries are overseen by our Youth Commissioner. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or (516) 671-5200 and she will direct you to our wonderful Youth Advisers.

Please click the Email Links  Below to register your Child for any of youth ministries including 
Sunday School, Little Angels, HOPE, JOY, Jr. GOYA and GOYA. 

Email our advisors through these links and they can enroll your child in our ministry programs.







Little Angels - Ages Birth to 3 yrs. - [email protected]

Our group is geared for Ages Birth to 3 yrs. old including Angels in the womb & their Caregivers-to-be, are included. We will meet at church for play, matt time, stories, and music. Additionally, once in the fall & Once in the spring we will have a Moms/caregivers night out open to ALL.

HOPE - Ages 4-6 - [email protected]

Children ages 4 - 6 are invited to join our HOPE (Holy Orthodox Primary Education) ministry. The mission of HOPE is to strengthen the relationship of young Orthodox Christians with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The four elements of worship, fellowship, service, and witness will be integrated into the program. The meetings will involve prayer, mini-lessons with movement and discussion, arts and crafts, snack, and play time. We will learn children’s prayers, read parts of the Bible, paint ceramic crosses, write poetry, learn about the lives of several Saints, make icons and take fun trips. 

JOY - Ages 7-9- [email protected]

Junior Orthodox Youth, or JOY, is the ministry for children of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America from ages 7-9. Since JOY is a ministry, the orientation and implementation of the program should reflect the Orthodox Christian Faith, Tradition and Life.  JOY meets once a month and incorporates Faith Focus, arts and crafts,and/or social outings, and sports which include soccer, basketball, and the Olympics which take place Memorial Day weekend.

Junior GOYA - Ages 10-12 - [email protected]

Junior GOYA is the ministry for children of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America from ages 10-12. Since Junior GOYA is a ministry, the orientation and implementation of the program should reflect the Orthodox Christian Faith, Tradition and Life.  Junior GOYA meets once a month and incorporates Faith Focus and/or social outings, and sports which include soccer and basketball.

GOYA - Ages 13 - 18 - [email protected]

The mission and goal of GOYA ministry is to lead our young people into experiencing the Orthodox faith, tradition, and life. it is for teenagers in eighth through twelfth grades. Fellowship opportunities are provided by various social, community service, and athletic events.  In addition, we actively participate in the Long Island INTERGOYA. Our meetings are held twice a month.