Dear Parents,

     All of our activities are based on themes, letter of the week, Orthodox faith, Greek language, shapes, and numbers.  All children at the Holy Resurrection, Saint Kyrikos Nursery Program, are treated with love and respect.  They are provided with the opportunity to engage in a wide variety of activities.  Our most fundamental objective is to provide a safe, clean, and loving environment for your child.  Each child will feel that he/she is loved, valued and wanted.

     Our program strives to provide a nurturing learning environment full of stimulating and challenging experiences that foster social, emotional, and academic growth in every child.  Students participate in circle time, small and large group activities, as well as both self and teacher-directed activities.  They will also be exposed to the Greek language throughout the school day, also visiting the church to reinforce our Orthodox faith.

     Our primary approach to learning is through purposeful play with rich learning experiences that are multi-dimensional and invite participation.  We believe that a child’s education is a joint effort between the school and home.  Please inform us of any concerns that may arise during the school year.  We thank you for the opportunity to share in your child’s development.

-Orthodox faith enrichment
-Hellenic culture appreciation
-Imaginary Play
-Separation Skill
-Shapes and Colors
-Finger plays and Greek songs
-Alphabet, numbers, shapes, colors
-Language Arts
-Introduction to Greek
-Calendar and weather
-Math Skills
-Sequencing and memorization skills
-Pre-reading and pre-writing skills